PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack Rebate

Unfortunately, at this time, PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack contacts do not qualify for the Bausch + Lomb Horizon Rewards rebate program.

Usually, using a rebate to order your PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack contacts is a smart way to save money. Contact lenses can be expensive because they require a complex manufacturing process, so it can be challenging to find cheap contacts prices.

The good news is that you can still save money. A great way to get the lowest price is to use our PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack price comparison page to quickly see which online store currently offers the best price.

If you have vision insurance, you can use those benefits to help offset the cost of contacts. Many vision benefit plans have an annual allowance that you can use for contacts and/or glasses. They will usually also cover a yearly exam at your eye doctor.

See which products do qualify for the Bausch + Lomb Horizon Rewards rebate program. You can check if any other contacts are included that you are interested in and speak to your eye doctor about switching. You will need a new eye prescription to make the switch between most lenses, though.

PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack Product Overview

purevision2 toric for astigmatism 6 pack box

PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack contact lenses are designed to specifically reduce spherical aberration to provide amazing vision. The reduction of spherical aberration happens across both the cylinder and sphere meridians of the lens, which means these contact lenses will work hard to help you see better.

PureVision 2 Toric For Astigmatism contacts also incorporate Auto Align Design, a unique stabilization system optimized to deliver consistently crisp, clear vision all day, every day, with excellent stability. These contacts are made from a silicone hydrogel material called balafilcon A and have a water content of 36%. These contacts are FDA-approved for daily or extended wear for up to 30 days. This is convenience you can rely on.

PureVision2 Toric For Astigmatism 6 Pack Lens Parameters



+6.00 to -6.00 in 0.25 D steps
-6.50 to -9.00 in 0.50 D steps

-0.75, -1.25, -1.75, -2.25

10° to 180° in 10° steps